Eat Clean Challenge #4

I was doing some thrifting at Goodwill yesterday; well not actually thrifting, more so browsing the book section, treating it as a library and not planning on buying anything.  Sometimes I buy a book for my friend to Plant a Fitness Seed, but yesterday it was just the usual browsing of the books in the cooking and reference section (sometimes I’ll take a picture of a good looking recipe, then move on).

One book caught my eye though, and picking it up was easier than putting it down, so I end up paying the whopping $1.49 to buy it, along with a Made in the U.S.A. Microplane for only $2.99 (super score!)


Even though it was published in 1982 it’s as relevant as ever today.


The author was a biochemist who worked for Tenneco and Quaker oats and he reveals some pretty disturbing inside information about the food industry.

Even having read a number of (more recent) books on the state of the modern food industry, this book was possibly the most informative of all of them, because he showed a huge window into the tricky ways food companies sell their crap products. I started reading it last night, and got about eighty pages in it was so eye opening.

Page 45 elicited a laugh as “Cap’n Crunch” was used as an example in the post from just a few days ago; The Processed Food Matrix, when talking about the many choices made within each day to choose real or crap food.

What a kwinky dink:


The author’s naive goal out of college in the 70’s was to help solve world hunger, and his team was involved in designing a cheap protein, but as soon as the team succeeded doing so (in half the time they were given) the project was canceled, and he was eventually blackballed from working in the food industry, (after questioning why the powers that be would do that).

One of the most memorable things he mentioned was the wording companies use to market their crap food to draw consumers in.

Food that he was remarking is essentially 80% stale, and so the marketing was done with words that essential mean nothing upon closer mental inspection when thought about..

For example when selling a cake mix, they will mention how “moist” it is, or when talking about ketchup, how slowly it slides down the container.  Yippee!! As opposed to saying how fresh it is (because that wouldn’t be true!)

It provoked the thought that it would be a fun Eat Clean Challenge next time at the grocer to look at various processed food packages and look at some of the marketing slogans on the endless rows of boxed crap, and then note how they aren’t really saying anything specific, but rather using generalities to distract from the reality.

Next time you’re grocery shopping take note of this, then feel free to share a slogan (or a dozen) in the comment section.


10 thoughts on “Eat Clean Challenge #4

  1. Hmmm gluten free on products that don’t contain it? Fat free? Any label where that wouldn’t necessarily be true anyway. Then of course the whole fruit “snacks” thing that tries to make it sound healthy ’cause it has “fruit juice” when it’s just all glorified candy. I was the mean mom who never bought that stuff haha oh the list can go on and on….. And Goodwill hmm, they have any cool furniture I need to come get? 😉

    Liked by 2 people

    1. “Fruit snacks!” Lol, good one, that didn’t come to mind, usually an eye dropper’s worth of fruit juice (if any) likely in most of those! (But even if there is some fruit juice, like you say, it’s overloaded with corn syrup typically; blech!)

      Good for you being the “mean mom” lol. Way too many parents use the processed food pacification technique nowadays; huge fail!!

      Yeah, Goodwill definitely can have some cool furniture at a good price, sometimes really cool unique well crafted pieces just waiting for someone to redo them : ) They’ve got a lot of crap too of course, but it is definitely worth checking out.

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  2. I like how you buy books for friends to plant a fitness seed. I always recommend books because that is exactly where I get all my knowledge about health, nutrition, etc. I am at a point where I don’t want to give advice anymore. People want the easy way out.
    Do your friends read the books? I would rather gift books than waste my breath and typing skills to explain how the body works, and why we actually need to eat to be healthy and not obese.
    Love your blog by the way.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. I know what you mean about giving advice, and how it most often goes unheard; I get similarily frustrated too, and have also given less of it out, unless asked now. It seems like it never sinks in, or people just don’t care!! It goes in one ear, and out the other, nothing seems to stick lol.

      I get children’s books for my friends newborn, as I think/hope there’s at least a good change those will be read to him. I figure if a chile starts reading young, then the seed will be planted, because by the time they’re an adult it’s probably too late. So for that reason I never buy books for adults now; tried many years ago for gifts, but they were never read, so I buy books as presents still..but just for myself!

      Thanks very much for the kind comment, really appreciate the feedback!

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      1. Oh I’m jealous you have a Trader Joes!! It definitely keeps me out of trouble. I really only go into the middle for stuff like flour and oats

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