Eat Clean Challenge #4

I was doing some thrifting at Goodwill yesterday; well not actually thrifting, more so browsing the book section, treating it as a library and not planning on buying anything.  Sometimes I buy a book for my friend to Plant a Fitness Seed, but yesterday it was just the usual browsing of the books in the… Continue reading Eat Clean Challenge #4

Inexpensive Clean Eating (Breakfast)

Disclaimer:  I am not recommending to the reader of this article any diet plans or to follow what I do, just showing an example of how I eat what I consider to be clean and cheap eating.  Always do your own research and figure out what works for you (as long as it doesn’t come… Continue reading Inexpensive Clean Eating (Breakfast)

Myth of the Century “Healthy Eating is Expensive”

Well,  heard it again this week at the gym, and nothing “triggers” me more than when someone mentions that they can’t eat healthy because “it’s so expensive.” I always stop them in their tracks before they continue any further because it always sounds the same, and it’s gotten so tiresome, and so lame, (not to… Continue reading Myth of the Century “Healthy Eating is Expensive”